I do make time to read a lot of spiritual writings along with my usual spiritual practice of meditation. This is my first foray into the spiritual writing realm, though. This blog has been planned and carefully considered for months. So while I wait for my graphic designer to work his magic, I will work on my writing and strive to focus my efforts here for a solid foundation.
My message for others and a theme I try to embody for my own life is: Embrace change and enjoy life as it unfolds. Often, the hardest part about growing is letting go of what you were used to and moving on with something you’re not. Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting, and have faith that things will work out. Here is where I'd like to have a shared laugh at the confusion, to live consciously in the moment, and above all, enjoy life as it unfolds. We might not end up exactly where we intended to go, but eventually we will arrive precisely where we need to be.
The Omth Degree is about solutions, spirituality of all kinds, and relationships of all kinds... really, all kinds. Maybe it's because I'm a good listener, or because there really is no judgment from me.... I'm that friend everyone calls in a crisis, when there's a problem, or to talk through ideas. Not just my single or married gal friends, but also my gay and lesbian friends, married guy friends, mommy friends, male and female colleagues, and even my mom and her friends. I'm not exactly sure how that happened or what makes them think I've got all the answers, but apparently even when I tell them, "I have no idea," they don't believe me. Sometimes these things are hilarious, sometimes, well.... sometimes not so much. But always they are approached without judgment, with compassion, humor, and straightforward honesty.
All are accepted here. I wanted to write and share this because I noticed that while some of the information I've found was useful, there still wasn't something just for a woman like me. Anyone is welcome... I find that I am usually helpful to women who are single, single moms, ladies who are either newly single after a relationship or fresh out on their own after leaving mom's house, but really anyone who has a problem. Let's talk about it!
DISCLAIMER: It is very important to mention that I am absolutely intolerant of racism, hate speech of any kind, harassment, or any sort of drama. This is my domain and I am the sole mediator and queen of all I survey. I will not engage in arguments or sparring at any time. If you don't like what you read, move on.
I look forward to your future entries. You are truly inspiring.